Weekly Wineguy – Football & Wine

Gridiron Grapes: An Exploration of Wine and American Football In the grand theater of American football, where cleats crunch turf and quarterbacks hurl spirals through the sky, one might think the beverage of choice would be a frothy beer or shots of Fireball. But...

Weekly Wineguy – Bourbon for Wine Lovers

Bourbon for Wine Lovers: A Journey into the World of America’s Native Spirit For wine lovers accustomed to the subtleties of Cabernet Sauvignon or the delicate balance of a Chardonnay, diving into the world of bourbon might seem like venturing into uncharted...

Weekly Wineguy – Wine & Fall

The Perfect Pairing: Wine & Fall As the days shorten, the air grows crisp, and the landscape transforms into a vivid palette of reds, oranges, and yellows, fall ushers in a season of change and reflection. It’s a time for cozy sweaters, hearty meals, and the...